At some point, during the high of it, all my business partner fell ill, which would slow down our momentum. By this time, we owed our family and friends money; I had not been paid a salary in about 6 months; I had also helped to fund the salaries of the small team we needed to keep the other business afloat and, our dream of becoming millionaires from this “overnight success” was slowly slipping through our fingers.
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Do A Deali - Part 2 (the solution)
We set out to fix this mess! (see Part 1 - The problem) We’d build a platform that wouldn’t hurt the merchants pocket or reputation, but would actually create an environment where they could start to build/rebuild brand recognition and then later reward customers for their loyalty. And for the customers well, we’d give them deals they actually wanted, when they wanted it, wherever they were.
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Do A Deali - Part 1 (the problem)
At the time in South Africa, Groupon was the best thing since sliced bread. This was mostly because of their marketing of unbelievable deals that any sane person could not pass on. Having deals sent directly to your inbox every morning so early that it would set the tone of the day to #winning, was unheard of and
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